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IVY Payment Processing for Therapist and Client

IVY Payment Processing for Therapist and Client

Instructions for Payments with IVY Payment Processing


JAN: I am using IVY Payment Processing.  It is so easy after first transaction!

JAN: I will ask for your mobile number

JAN: I will type your mobile number and the fee into my IVY app

You do not need an app

JAN: On my IVY app, I will tap CHARGE

YOU: You will get a text from IVY

YOU: Click on the link in the text

YOU: Enter your credit or debit number


JAN: I will tap CHARGE next to your name on my app and that is it.

This system is encrypted and is HIPAA compliant.  At your next session, all you have to do is nothing.  I will tap your charge next to your name and IVY will run your card for you.  SO-once we are set up, you will no longer have to navigate a website or put your card info in every time.  

If you need to change your card info, all you have to do is let me know and I can change it on my app.  Again, you do not need an app or to go to my website.

If you do not want to pay this way or would prefer a different method, just let me know.  I did a lot of research and this method is preferred by therapists for its simplicity for you and the therapist.