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Forensic Consultation for Court

Forensic Consultation for Court

Going to court is one of the most stressful events in life. There are few things as anxiety-provoking as the witness stand or just dealing with a situation that has resulted in legal issues. I am not an attorney and cannot give legal advice. But I can help destress a legal situation by helping you learn techniques for working with your attorney and going to court.

Are you experiencing anything legal that is going to take you to court, possibly or most likely to testify? Are you scared to death? Maybe a custody battle, a divorce, a DUI? Harm Reduction can help you reduce the risks of making further mistakes.

Are you a professional who needs some coaching on how to be your most professional on the witness stand and to have your opinions accepted?

Are you subpoenaed to testify in a criminal trial as a lay or expert witness?

I have testified as an expert witness for over twenty-five years and have written a book for clinical social workers entitled “The Witness Stand.” If you are anxious and stressed about any court-related matters in your life, ask about what services and resources you can find at Vogelsang Consulting, Inc.


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