Make a Teletherapy Appointment:
(864) 346-2804
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
    Harm Reduction Psychotherapy,
    Intellectual Impairments (ADHD, LD, and others)

Jan has honed her skills in some of the biggest arenas in mental health.

Media statements

“Mental illness was rampant in the (Moussaoui) family…his father was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and is institutionalized, Vogelsang said. Moussaoui’s two sisters have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and psychosis with schizophrenic features, respectively.” NEW YORK TIMES, FORBES, ABC NEWS

“Jan Vogelsang, a clinical social worker from South Carolina, led off the defense effort with a psychological survey of the Moussaoui family and their continuing mental health problems.” NEW YORK TIMES

“For decades, as part of her unusual career blending psychology and death penalty law, Vogelsang has delved into the troubled lives of heinous criminals…” BOSTON GLOBE

“Jan Vogelsang, who operates a private practice in Greenville, spent much of the past year traveling across France and Morocco seeking out information that would help the jurors get inside the mind of Zacarias Moussaoui.” THE GREENVILLE NEWS

“Behavioral specialist Jan Vogelsang also said that there was a history of mental illness in Moussaoui’s family.” BBC

“Vogelsang told jurors Moussaoui grew up in a violent and unstable household. He was shuttled in and out of orphanages during his first six years.” CNN

Meet Jan Vogelsang

After years of private practice here in Greenville and work in the mental health field that has taken me to many other states and countries, COVID settled me back at home and to a return to my roots.

I have also returned to my specialty in conducting biopsychosocial assessments and in addition to psychotherapy, I continue to testify in various types of cases as an expert witness.

It is so much fun to be at home more and to see all the great changes in Greenville. And to enjoy the side benefits of my husband’s dog business which keeps our home filled with the joy of different breeds and their fun personalities. Because of losing our beloved bassets after sixteen years, my husband decided to volunteer at Animal Care, an organization he loves. From there he decided to start Happy Hounds and he does a lot of special things with his guests that they would not be able to experience at a kennel. It is so special for both of us.

I still love doing therapy after all these years. I appreciate my clients and never tire of hearing the things that matter to them. I am private pay and I do not rush my clients out the door at the end of a full hour. If something important to them is happening, they are allowed the time they need to explore.

It has been a privilege for me to offer therapy all these years. I feel that I am the fortunate one when a client chooses therapy with me and I work to give my clients every resource I can think of to help them progress.

Join me in your efforts to find the answers to having a more fulfilled life. (864) 346-2804

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