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Harm Reduction Psychotherapy

Harm Reduction Psychotherapy

Did you know that substance treatment is finally coming into the 21st century? New technology, better medications, alternative treatments, and a civilized and less punitive look at substance use is driving new treatment goals. Help is not necessarily at the expensive rehab centers or group programs. People control their use in any number of ways and for varying periods of time. It is time to let go of the old models and explore a new approach.

It is so much more comfortable to talk about substance use when you know for sure that there are no steps to complete, no chips to earn, no inventory to complete, and no requirement to define a higher power. Also, no criticism or judgment from your therapist or requirement that you go to rehab or other 12 step programs.

At Vogelsang Consulting, my favorite approach is Harm Reduction Psychotherapy where you decide what your goals are and how you are going to manage your use. You receive in return, support and management skills that work for you. Perfection is not required but safety for you and others is encouraged as you learn how to manage your use. If you want to abstain, that is also an option but is not required.

Open the door to all the possibilities for how you want your substance use to look.

If you need help with a DUI whether felony or non-felony, find the services you need at Vogelsang Consulting to work with your attorney. And consider Harm Reduction as a way to show the court you are serious about change.